Chairman's Message


Dashmesh Public School, Kaind is a safe, caring and community led institution of learning. It provides congenial ambience for imparting education to bring about a series of human enfoldments essential for the holistic development of the students so that they could efficiently discharge their duties to themselves, to the community and to the nation as a whole.

Keeping in view the importance of academic excellence in today’s competitive scenarios, the school offers a wide syllabus with careful planning and guidance which provides a better exposure to the students to develop their analytical thinking, and eventually the art of ‘self expression’. Group activities in the school instill in the students the spirit of team, feelings of patriotism, sense of commitment towards their fundamental duties while inculcating in them the values of sharing and caring. The ideals of quality and excellence, with emphasis on these human these values help the students to adopt not only a contemporary and progressive attitude but also shape their international perspective with secular standpoint. At Shivalik Public School, ample opportunities are provided to all the students to get acquainted with a set of practical belief system that will guide them throughout the life.

The school believes that every child can explore his tremendous learning capacity if exposed to an amiably stimulating environment. We recognize each child the way he is, embrace him, adopt him, identify his skills and nurture him to achieve his potential to the fullest enabling him more creative, competent, self-confident, quality conscious and enterprising global citizen